Friday, August 7, 2009

dress bags and yummy kawaii prints

Every time i visit some thrift stores, I always look for some clothes with cute fabrics, coz well who doesn't? But I am not always lucky at the adult section so i started exploring the kids section..lo and behold!! There are soooo many cute lil' dresses with those cherries, strawberries and other kawaii prints you can think of on a fabric! Actually, sometimes i really wish i have a baby girl, so yeah that's why i also love looking at those frilly lil' dresses. Haha! Anyway, first i bought a black sleeveless with a big bunny skull print, i don't know what to do with it, I just like it coz it's really cute and the back has a corset detail. And then, my creative juices started flowing.. Next thing I know, i transformed it into a bag!!

And I enjoyed doing it so I made three more..:)

this is my fave and i often use this.. there were few people who came up to me to ask where i got it, so i told them that i made it.:))

this one is for sale at my online shop.:)

the hello kitty japanese bride is a gift from my hubby.♥♥♥
the pink bag is actually a kimono for little girls.

There are still 3 more dresses that i haven't sewn yet, i'll post pics as soon as I'm done with them. If you're wondering what kind of dresses and prints, well, i have 2 black and white lacy dress, a blue cherry dress. The one with the strawberry print, i already used it for a it is..

By the way, I sold some of the stuff i made. Just check my online store..


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