Thursday, October 8, 2009

instant photoshoot

if there's a photographer, then why not be a model? oh you know i am always game for this.haha
while waiting for angie (my client of the day) and some of my friends, jay & i decided to have an instant photo shoot. background= BOXES!hahahahaha.. super instant, right? anyway, it's kinda dark outside dad's office a.k.a. my brothers' music studio and mom's bodega so pardon the lighting.

so there, it's just a simple camwhoring photoshoot.haha..
after doing angie's make-up and closing our department store...annnd while we were waiting for the rain to stop, CAMERA OUT AGAIN!CLICK CLICK CLICK!hahahaha

my friends said that this looks like a pre-nup photo.hahahahaha

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